
For the benefit of users, maintenance of facilities and compliance with Health & Safety legislation, the management of the facilities ask that all users comply with the following conditions of use:

The hirer:

  1. Payment must be made in advance for each booking.  Failure to pay will result in facilities being withdrawn with immediate effect until all outstanding debts have been settled. 

  2. Clubs that have a booking monthly charge in excess of £3000 and schools will still have the option to be invoiced. The scale of charges to be paid for the use of facilities is in accordance with those laid down by the Council.

  3. All cancellations must be emailed to leisureadmin@teignbridge.gov.uk at least 14 days’ notice for the charge to be removed against the booking. 

  4. Do not enter the booked area until the previous hirer has vacated.  Hirers should not continue to use the facility beyond the time that it has been booked for.  Please note, setting up/down is included in your booking time.

  5. Any persons using the premises must comply with all reasonable instructions and requests of the Management or other employee of the Centre and follow Normal Operating Procedures and Emergency Action Plans appropriate to the hirer’s activity.

  6. All persons using the centre to conduct themselves in a proper and decent manner and to abide by the conditions of hire.

  7. First Aid will remain the responsibility of the Club/Hirer. First Aid kits and qualified members of staff are on hand to offer advice or assistance if required.  Please report any incident/accident to a member of staff. 

  8. Hirers are expected to undertake and provide risk assessments for all aspects of their activity to be available when requested. 

  9. If the hirer is playing their own music then they must have their own PPL Licence.  The facility does not provide cover for this. 

  10. Hirers are not permitted to put up notices or advertise unless authorised by the Leisure Marketing Officer.  Hirers must also not take photographs or arrange filming, or television broadcast from the Centre without the prior consent of the Leisure Manager.

  11. Hire agreements will only be confirmed if an appropriate insurance is evidenced at the time of booking.

  12. All hirers of the facilities will be required to produce evidence, if requested, of suitable qualifications and DBS disclosures.  Hirers must also evidence their own safeguarding policy (to cover children and vulnerable adults) if requested, which must also clearly identify the designated lead for safeguarding.  A sample policy can be obtained by emailing safeguarding@teignbridge.gov.uk if needed.  By accepting these terms and conditions, the Hirer is declaring that such certification is in place and up-to-date. 


Please note that if you are a commercial club vat charges will apply. If you are a non commercial club to benefit from VAT exemption, by law all the following conditions must be met:

  • your booking must be for ten or more sessions.

  • the series must be for the same sport or activity.

  • the booking must be for the same place, although a different pitch/lane is acceptable.

  • the interval between sessions must be at least one day, and not more than fourteen days. A week off is okay, but if you take a longer break we will have to add VAT.

  • payment is to be made in full for all sessions irrespective of whether the right to use the facility is exercised. e. we cannot give money back if you cancel. 

  • a written agreement must be in place.

  • you must have exclusive use.

The Council:

  1. The Council reserve the right to recover the cost of replacement, or the repair of, any equipment, fittings or property damaged by persons using the leisure facilities.

  2. The Council does not accept responsibility or liability for any damage to, or loss of any property or articles placed or left on any part of the premises by a user.

  3. The Council reserve the right to cancel bookings with or without prior notice as deemed necessary.   

Teignbridge Leisure | Updated January 2023

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